Move forward with confidence.
Feeling off balance in a busy world can manifest in many ways. Not only can it dictate your movement through life, it often comes with a state of heightened fear and anxiety.
Your inner ear is a vital part of the overall balance system, regulating how we react to rotational movement and acceleration (like in a car). Viral infections, increased intracranial pressure and stress can cause irregularities in this system.
For some, symptoms of being unsteady never fully resolve after an illness and can lead to social isolation, trouble at work, and symptoms of depression.
Our sense of stability in our environment also relies on muscle strength, joint mobility, hydration, cardiovascular health, and much more. Maintaining a physically active lifestyle and optimizing our general health to avoid the problems of polypharmacy (taking more than 5 medications) is crucial.
Learn how to preserve your independence and keep life an adventure to the end.